Real Stories of Superhero Fetish: Spandexlad
Welcome to the first entry in our new series of community blog posts called "Real Stories of Superhero Fetish". This non-fiction series allows friends of this site to tell people more about how they discovered or explored their fetish. So, for the sake of clarity, you can feel comfortable including spandex, nylon, sports and superhero fetish into the umbrella term superhero fetish, but keep in mind that fetishes are individual and personal. Here at How to Kill a Superhero and Beast Within Books, we don't believe in dogmatic labels. So use this one flexibly if you like, and don't let it bog you down!
We are very excited to introduce to you today Spandexlad, whose story will start our series. Please leave us a comment, and if you want to send us your story of superhero fetish, please email your entry to and write "Guest Blogger" in the subject. And thank you for visiting our brand new section of the site "Superhero Community." And don't forget that author Pablo Greene's book series How to Kill a Superhero tells a fictional tale of a man with a superhero fetish.
My Superhero Fetish: Spandexlad
My superhero fetish stems from my spandex fetish. The two of them grew hand in hand and for the most part they were one in the same. It was the early 90’s and I hadn’t reached puberty yet but it was closing in on me. Around that time many superhero shows started debuting on television.
First there was Lois and Clark: The Adventures of Superman. There was one scene in the first episode where Clark was trying on different spandex suits that his mom made for him. I didn’t quite understand my attraction toward him in his suit, I just knew he looked really good in it.
Then there was The Might Morphin Power Rangers. I started noticing that I was attracted to the Blue Ranger and loved the parts where they stood in the command center with their helmets off. I also really enjoyed seeing the shiny fabric as they fought, still without a clue what was gaining my attention.
Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills
The final show that planted the seeds of a spandex/superhero fetish in my brain was Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills. It’s a lesser-known show that was basically a ripoff of Power Rangers but the four teens changed into muscular heroes wearing latex costumes. I would sit in my science class and imagine my cute teacher wearing the costume. Puberty had found me at this point and I knew what I was attracted it.
The first time I had touched spandex, electricity flew through me and I was addicted to its snug feeling wrapped around my body from the first day. But living in the South, I had to hide it, as well as my attraction to guys. Growing up from that point I felt like a different person behind the closed door of my bedroom. By day I was an average student who kept to himself, and by night I was a sexual being clad in compression shorts and silk boxers (silk was probably my first fetish and certainly helped prepare me for my spandex fetish). I used pseudonyms like Sam, which were an arrangement of my initials, to hide behind while online seeking out gay erotic stories, photographs or men in spandex, and pornographic videos. I even met some people who shared my fetish, although I wouldn’t meet them in real life.
This dichotomy I built for myself helped deepen my love of superheroes as I could connect with having a secret identity. I felt a lot like Catwoman in the Batman Returns. Who was I? Scott or Spandexlad? Happily at this point in my life everything has been ironed out and I accept that I am both.
Everywhere in my house you will find superheroes: on walls, on my TV, on my selves. I read issues every week on their exploits. Many people wouldn’t even know that at night I go to sleep dressed like one in the sheets, waiting for a partner in crime to join me, but that is who I am. Spandexlad and Scott.
Want to share your superhero-fetish story with us? Email your entry to and write "Guest Blogger" in the subject.